Enrichment Opportunities
Ramtown School prides itself on the innovative and creative instructional practices and programs offered to its students. We remain committed to the advancement of digital learning experiences and divergent thinking activities within the classroom setting. At Ramtown, students and staff readily merge high quality learning experiences with ‘Future Ready Themes’ associated with leadership, classroom practice, and technology support and service. While embracing the concept of “failing forward,” our educational stakeholders embrace risk taking and trial-by-error learning experiences to effectively evoke change relative to their progression and exploration with technology.
Our Media Center Makerspace is driven by learner choice and allows students to collaborate, experiment, create, and share knowledge. This, in conjunction with our STEAM curriculum, offers students opportunities for creative problem-solving experiences. These opportunities target various learning modalities and offer a wide array of experiences. Such activities utilize the Engineering Design Process, thus allowing students to think creatively and collaborate with others to solve problems, test their ideas, analyze their work, decide upon improvements, and share their design products.
Enrichment opportunities are found in many facets of the everyday instructional learning design of our teachers. School-wide days of adventure and exploration that include student interest-based Enrichment Days led by our talented special area teachers, as well as our annual STEM Bowl and Evening of Excellence, highlight efforts to generate motivating educational experiences for our students. Students’ active engagement is the centerpiece of all of our work at Ramtown School.