Character Counts
Ramtown’s Character Education Program
Character Counts
At Ramtown School, students, staff, and parents work in a collaborative manner to ensure the academic, social, and behavioral success of our students. Students’ safety, security, well-being, and overall academic success collectively remain our utmost priority. Consequently, fostering an inclusive, positive, and respectful learning environment for our educational stakeholders is imperative. In order for character education programs to remain productive, it is important that the program remain relevant to and valued by students, staff, and parents alike.
The Character Counts Program highlights the following six pillars of character: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, and Trustworthiness.
Throughout the year, each pillar of character will be incrementally highlighted to recognize students’ efforts with demonstrating the positive ideals associated with the pillars within the school setting. The premise of the program is to ensure that students remain cognizant of the many positive traits that go into a students’ overall character. Attention will be focused toward a particular pillar of character for a specified amount of time throughout the school year.
Staff members will help to identify and recognize students who exemplify the selected character trait within a given time period. The selected students will be recognized and celebrated for their ability to understand and project the concentrated pillar of character at both individual and school-wide levels.